, pub-8268091591084710, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Wal & Dolphin Tour | Pure Nature Lodge
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Whale watching off Port Elizabeth!

The prevailing prejudice is that whales only come to the coast of South Africa from May to September - that's true in the broadest sense - the humpback whale comes to the coast to calve. But there are other whales that can be found offshore all year round! Of course, it takes a portion of luck.

They are just wild animals!

Whale and Dolphin Tour

The tour departs from Port Elizabeth at 8:30 am
and takes about 2-3 hours (depending on how the whales are spotted)

The costs are R 1,700.00 (approx. € 100.00) Children pay R 1,100.00 (approx. € 65.00)

The overview of the activities at a glance: As a PDF file for download
and as an interactive map on Google

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