Our concept
Bevor wir nach Südafrika ausgewandert sind haben wir uns Gedanken über
unser Konzept gemacht. Hier ist das ursprünglich Konzept, wir haben versucht,
genauso umzusetzen, mussten es aber (natürlich) bei verschiedenen Sachen anpassen.
Gelände und Gästeunterbringung
Soweit möglich, werden nur Naturmaterialien verwendet, wie z. B.:
Holz , naturbelassene Baumstämme, Steine , Felsen, Sisal , Tonziegelsteine, Natursteinfliesen, Lehm/Ton und alte Holz-Zaunpfähle. Es wird alles in Naturfarbtönen gestrichen. Wenn es möglich ist, werden alle Möbel von uns aus Holz in Eigenregie selber gebaut.
Die Unterkünfte
Aus ökologischen Gesichtspunkten wird es in unseren Holzhäusern ist nur Solarstrom (Niedervolt) geben. In unseren Luxus "Zelten" ist noch nicht einmal Solarstrom vorgesehen. Das Motto heißt "Back to Nature". Licht spenden Öllampen und Kerzen.
Die Wasserversorgung geschieht überwiegend durch Regenwasser. Ein mit Gas betriebener Durchlauferhitzer sorgt für warmes Wasser im Badezimmer und in der Küche. Das Abwasser wird in Septiktanks mit Bakterien gereinigt.
Die einzelnen Zelte stehen mindestens so weit auseinander, so daß man die „Nachbarn“ weder hört, noch sieht. Von der Selbstversorgung bis hin zu All Inclusive wird auf der Pure Nature Familodge alles angeboten. Die Unterkünfte sind mit einer offenen Küche und alle mit einem Grill ausgestattet.
Jede Unterkunft bekommt einen Namen und ein Thema, wie z. B.:
(Elephant View , Monkey Forest, Leopard Cave oder Big Aloe) und ist dann auch dem entsprechend eingerichtet (Figuren, Muster, Farben usw.)
Voraussichtlich werden für den Anfang 3 Familienunterkünfte mit Elternschlafzimmer, Badezimmer mit Badewanne, einer Küchenzeile und Kinderzimmer geben,
in denen bis zu 4 Kinder untergebracht werden können.
Die "Familienunterkünfte" besitzen mindestens 2 Schlafzimmer.
Diese können dann von Familien oder von befreundeten Pärchen benutzt werden
und werden entsprechend eingerichtet.
Die Badezimmer bekommen ein Kinderwaschbecken mit Spiegel und einen
speziellen Toilettendeckel.
Die Familienunterkünfte haben "Zimmer" bzw. Zelte, die ca. 6mx 3,2m groß und ein gemauertes Badezimmer, das mindestens 6qm groß ist, sowie eine überdachte und umzäunte Terrasse, die mindestens eine Fläche von 36qm aufweisen kann.
Auch bei den Zelten werden Naturmaterialien verwendet.
Zusätzlich zu den großen Familienunterkünften werden noch Paarunterkünfte,
bestehend aus einem Schlaf-/Wohnbereich, einer offenen Küche, einem Badezimmer und einer überdachten Terrasse gebaut.
In allen Unterkünften können unsere Gäste auch gerne Ihre Tiere mitbringen.
Für die vierbeinigen Gäste sind Näpfe, Schlafgelegenheiten und Spielzeug vorhanden.
Als Familienunterkunft besitzen Kinder einen hohen Stellenwert.
In den Unterkünften wird folgendes bereitgestellt:
Babybett mit Bettwäsche
Babydecke mit Spielzeug
Spielzeug für die Babies (überwiegend aus Holz)
Für Kinder ab 3 Jahre
Autoteppich mit Autos
Dem Alter entsprechend Kisten mit Spielzeug (Holzspielzeug, Playmobil)
Alle Familienunterkünfte bekommen einen Sandkasten mit dem
entsprechendem Spielzeug.

Before we emigrated to South Africa we thought about
made our concept. Here is the original concept, we tried
to implement in the same way, but (of course) had to adapt it to various things.
Grounds and guest accommodation
As far as possible, only natural materials are used, such as B .:
Wood, natural tree trunks, stones, rocks, sisal, clay bricks, natural stone tiles, clay / tone and old wooden fence posts. Everything is painted in natural colors. Whenever possible, we build all wooden furniture ourselves.
The accommodations
From an ecological point of view, there will only be solar power (low voltage) in our wooden houses. Our luxury "tents" don't even have solar power. The motto is "Back to Nature". Oil lamps and candles provide light.
The water supply is mainly provided by rainwater. A gas-powered water heater provides hot water in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The wastewater is cleaned with bacteria in septic tanks.
The individual tents are at least so far apart that you can neither hear nor see the "neighbors". From self-catering to all-inclusive, everything is offered at the Pure Nature Familodge. The accommodations are equipped with an open kitchen and all with a barbecue.
Each accommodation is given a name and a theme, such as: B .:
(Elephant View, Monkey Forest, Leopard Cave or Big Aloe) and is then set up accordingly (figures, patterns, colors, etc.)
It is expected that there will be 3 family accommodations with a master bedroom, a bathroom with a bathtub, a kitchenette and a children's room at the beginning.
in which up to 4 children can be accommodated.
The "family accommodations" have at least 2 bedrooms.
These can then be used by families or befriended couples
and will be set up accordingly.
The bathrooms have a children's washbasin with a mirror and one
special toilet lid.
The family accommodations have "rooms" or tents that are approx. 6 mx 3.2 m in size and a brick bathroom that is at least 6 square meters, as well as a covered and fenced terrace that can have an area of at least 36 square meters.
Natural materials are also used in the tents.
In addition to the large family accommodations, there are also accommodations for couples,
consisting of a bedroom / living area, an open kitchen, a bathroom and a covered terrace.
In all accommodations, our guests are also welcome to bring their animals with them.
Bowls, beds and toys are available for the four-legged guests.
Children are very important as family accommodation.
The following is provided in the accommodations:
Baby cot with bed linen
Baby blanket with toys
Toys for the babies (mostly made of wood)
For children from 3 years
Car carpet with cars
Boxes with toys (wooden toys, Playmobil) according to age
All family accommodations get a sandpit with the
appropriate toys.
Main building, restaurant & reception
The main building (unfortunately not yet implemented!) Consists of a reception, a restaurant, a lounge (living room), a children's play area in bad weather, an area for employees, an office, a warehouse and cold rooms.
The house will be built directly on the bank of the (currently dried up lake)
built at a waterhole. Here is the drinking point for all wild animals.
There is nothing better than watching animals from the terrace.
If the lake remains dry, an attempt will be made to fill it artificially with water - certainly not an easy task, but quite feasible.
The plans of the architect
The reception gets a children's counter and a small waiting / play area (with an aquarium in the wall) for the children right in the entrance.
The center of the house is a huge fireplace made of natural stone.
The house is furnished with typical African indestructible leather furniture
and a small family of so-called Bengal cats is said to live there
An indoor play area is to be set up in the area to the left of the office / reception: games, puzzles, books, painting materials, car carpet, blackboard, feeler and rubbing boxes, climbing wall, high-rise, cozy corner with lots of pillows and blankets, dressing box / cloakroom, marble run, mirrors, swinging sacks , ... everything to be comfortable and creative.
Of course there is a bar with bar stools and a passage to the kitchen.
In the outdoor area, a roofed grill area that is easy to see for the guests (braai is the typical African way of preparing food!) And a buffet for meals will be set up.
You eat in a so-called "boma", in the middle of which a fire always burns and which you can close outside with tent walls and a zipper system in bad weather.
The kitchen should be so big that your own animals (after slaughter) can easily be cut up in it. That is why the kitchen is completely tiled and equipped with a drain in the middle.
A refrigerated container that we bring with us from Germany is supposed to serve as a cold room, which is set up somewhat hidden behind the employees' area
The toilets for the guests should be equipped with an extra children's cabin (small toilet and a children's washbasin)
There is a disabled toilet that doubles as a changing room
The employees get a spacious area with shower and toilets,
a covered outdoor area with tables, chairs and a small grill
There is a so-called household room for washing machines, dryers, ironing facilities and all kinds of cleaning utensils.
The staff area is well protected from view of the guests.
There is a natural adventure playground, trampolines, sensory trails, games of skill, a soccer field and of course a comfortable seat for the parents. A pool for toddlers, children and adults is being built.
The entire pool area is fenced off in a child-proof manner
"Wild" animals can move freely between the guests on the entire property. Some of them already live freely on the property; we will have to buy others (such as: giraffes, zebras, antelopes, etc.)
We will need so many animals that our guests can see them easily and easily.
So a mix of no and large wild animals.
Free areas still have to be created, otherwise the animals can hide too well and our guests can also see the animals.
Small animal zoo
In the small animal zoo, animals that you almost never see in South Africa should be kept in enclosures that are so large that you can comfortably go in with 2 or 3 children to feed and stroke them. The enclosures should be partially covered
At one corner there is a supply house where the feed is stored.
The animals in this area should be accustomed to humans and hand feeding. The enclosures should be large enough for the animals to feel as comfortable as possible. The animals should have enough climbing opportunities, enough space to run and hide, and enough space to fly.
In every enclosure there is a device to catch the animals as stress-free as possible
The animals that get along can be kept together in larger enclosures.
I try to get as many animals as possible that have grown up in captivity and to capture as few wild animals as possible. And if that should be necessary, the “wild” parents should be released from “captivity” after their offspring are old enough.
Farm with stable building (already partially implemented)
An area of around 6 hectares, in the middle of which a stable building with an attic for feed storage is to be built. Only farm animals are kept here to be petted and to get to know each other. The aim here is to show where our food actually comes from and how it is produced. Live there: As many farm animals as we need to meet our own needs for milk, dairy products, eggs and meat! The butcher from Paterson (Kuduland) should, if possible, come to our farm on regular slaughter appointments and kill the animals there in the familiar environment as stress-free and pain-free as possible and then either take them to the butcher's shop to cut, bleed and process.
We will manufacture dairy products such as yoghurt and cream cheese ourselves.
As many animals as possible should come from aid organizations such as HorseCareUnit, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ”(SPCA) or the animal shelters and rescue stations in the area !!! (However, only "healthy" animals are accepted, animals that do not require any further financial expenditure in medication or foreseeable other veterinary treatments)
In the garden behind our house, herbs (such as chives, basil, oregano, mint etc.), vegetables (such as red and white cabbage, kale, carrots, etc.) and fruits (such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, apples, oranges, cape gooseberries) are grown Etc.)
Gamewalks (guided walks to observe and explain animals)
Bird watching walks (specializing in birds)
Plant tours (botany, edible, used as a remedy, etc.)
Photography courses (game walks with photo assistance, which lens / camera setting etc. for which motif, guided by professional photographers)
Mountain bike, rental, route
Pony riding
Longer guided rides through the wildlife and also on the beach
Assistance in the zoo and on the farm, such as feeding, mucking, cleaning, walking with the animals, etc.
Milking cows and goats and showing how the milk is processed.
Collecting chicken and ostrich eggs.
Open-air cinema with a screen and projector set up with chairs, plus there is popcorn and then you can start. Alternating films that can be selected by the guests are then shown.
Riding lessons for children and adults
Fishing on Stephan´s Lake
Carriage rides & carriage excursions
Poker, skat, chess, monopoly or billiards competitions / games / tournaments
Football field
On bad weather days, the lodge's "living room" can also be converted into a small, cozy cinema (of course only after dark)
Adventure treasure hunt across the entire property (scavenger hunt)
Picture book cinema or doing handicrafts together in bad weather
Drum making and drum workshop
Live concerts and performances by local, rather unknown musicians and groups (there is a stage in the open-air cinema)
Small plays are rehearsed with children (in great disguise, of course) and then presented to the parents
Services (chargeable)
Shuttle service to / from the airport
If possible (very steep terrain), guests will be picked up from reception in one of the two carriages and taken to their accommodation
Daily cleaning service - depending on the package, except on Sundays.
Laundry service: Pick up, wash, dry, fold and bring back
Business center / Internet "café" in the lodge
(with printer and CD burner for photos)
Our packages
Self catering - the guest brings his own food and cooks for himself in his accommodation. No room cleaning service is offered here.
Bed and Breakfast including a great breakfast! Breakfast is brought to the accommodation so that guests can have breakfast in peace on your terrace and have the opportunity to observe animals. The accommodations are cleaned daily (except Sundays)
Half-board - as with B&B, a menu is offered in the evening. Most of the dishes come from South African cuisine or from the grill. The ingredients come either from the garden or from our animals.
Full board as well as half board, snacks are also offered for lunch. Packed lunches are then given for guests who are on the move. There are also alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Our dishes on offer
Coffee and / or tea
Homemade bread and rolls
Various homemade jams
Cheese from the neighboring dairy of De Pekelaar dairy.
Sausage from our butcher from Paterson (Kuduland)
Homemade yogurt
Muesli and corn flakes
Scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, or fried eggs
Milk and juice
Honey from our own bees
3-course menu - South African dishes such as E.g .: Bobotie, Poitjiekos, Boerewors, Melkos, Melktart etc. are offered.
Children's meals are offered for the children.
Regional products
We buy regional & local products and thus strengthen our village "Paterson".
Kuduland (butcher who specializes in game meat)
De Peklaar Käserei (tastiest cheese in South Africa)
Sand Palm (corner shop for seasonal fruit and vegetables)
Shops in the townships
Local auto mechanic
Gas station

Farm with stable building (already partially implemented)
An area of approximately 6 hectares in size, in the middle of which a stable building with an attic for storing feed is to be built. Only farm animals are kept here to pet and get to know. The aim here is to show where our food actually comes from and how it is produced. Live there: A maximum of as many farm animals as we need to cover our own needs for milk, dairy products, eggs and meat! If possible, the butcher from Paterson (Kuduland) should come to our farm on regular slaughter dates and kill the animals there in a familiar environment with as little stress and pain as possible and then take them to the butcher's shop to be cut up, bled out and processed.
We will produce dairy products such as yoghurt and cream cheese ourselves.
As many animals as possible should come from aid organizations such as HorseCareUnit, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) or animal shelters and rescue centers in the area!!! (However, only “healthy” animals are accepted, animals that do not require any further financial investment in medication or foreseeable other veterinary treatment)
The garden behind our house grows herbs (such as chives, basil, oregano, mint, etc.), vegetables (such as red and white cabbage, kale, carrots, etc.) and fruits (such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, apples, oranges, Cape gooseberries Etc.)

· Gamewalks (guided walks to observe and explain animals)
· Plant tours (herbal science, edible, used as medicine, etc.)
· Photography courses (game walks with photography assistance, which lens/camera settings, etc.
for which motif, guided by professional photographers)
· Pony riding
· Longer guided rides through the wildlife and also on the beach
· Helping out at the zoo and on the farm, such as feeding, mucking, cleaning, walking the animals, etc.
· Milking cows and goats and showing how the milk is processed.
· Collecting chicken and ostrich eggs.
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Our packages
· Self catering - the guest brings their own food and cooks for themselves in their accommodation.
No room cleaning service is offered here.
· Bed and Breakfast - including a great breakfast! Breakfast is brought to the accommodation,
so that guests can have breakfast in peace and quiet on their terrace and have the opportunity to
to observe animals. The accommodations are cleaned daily (except Sundays)
· Half board - like at B&B, a menu is offered in the evening. The dishes mostly come
from South African cuisine or from the grill. The ingredients either come from the garden
or from our animals.
· Full board and half board, snacks are also offered at lunchtime. For guests,
Those on the move will be given packed lunches. There are also alcoholic ones
and non-alcoholic drinks.

Our food offer
· Coffee and/or tea
· Homemade bread and homemade rolls
· Various types of homemade jam
· Cheese from the neighboring cheese dairy of De Pekelaar Käserei.
· Sausage from our butcher in Paterson (Kuduland)
· Homemade yogurt
· Muesli and cornflakes
· Scrambled eggs, boiled eggs or fried eggs
· milk and juice
· Honey from our own bees
· 3-course menu - South African dishes such as: E.g.: Bobotie, Poitjiekos,
Boerewors, Melkos, Melktart etc. offered.
· Children's meals are offered for the children.
Regional products
We buy regional & local products and thus strengthen our village "Paterson".
· Kuduland (butcher specializing in game meat)
· De Peklaar cheese dairy (tastiest cheese in South Africa)
· Sand Palm (mom and pop shop for seasonal fruit and vegetables)
· Shops in the townships
· Local car mechanic
· Gas station